Now, all the rumors turn out to be false because Mukesh Ambani-led Reliance Jio today announced the Jio Happy New Year offer for new and existing Reliance Jio subscribers. Mukesh Ambani took the stage to give a short report on Reliance Jio’s journey since it was launched. So, from 4th December 2016, every new Jio subscriber will get free services until March 2017. Free services include unlimited 4G data, Free Voice calls & SMS and Mukesh Ambani named it as Reliance Jio Happy New Year Offer. Jio’s happy new year offer is just an extension of the Jio Welcome offer which was announced in September. So, from now every new Jio subscribers will get to use all the services for free until March 31,2017. So, what about existing Reliance Jio subscribers? Well, Mukesh Ambani didn’t forget about it either. He confirmed that the existing 5.2 crores Jio users will automatically be signed up for the Happy New Year offer from January 1, 2017, and will continue to enjoy the free services till 31st March 2017. In the same event, Mr. Mukesh Ambani claimed that Jio hasn’t quite received call transferring support from existing telecom operators in the country yet. Mr. Ambani also said that Reliance Jio’s call drop issue has also come down to 20% as of yesterday. So, what are you waiting for? If you haven’t subscribed Reliance Jio yet then do it now because Reliance Jio is raining good news for their subscribers.