Brady Klinger-Meyers

Waifu Goblin Army

Goblins are ugly, unpleasant little creatures to deal with in Terraria, especially given how aggressive they are. They could use a drastic makeover, which is exactly what the Waifu Goblin Army mod does. Once it’s installed, these green short stacks will no longer be stinky, grotesque monsters but “thicc waifu goblin babes,” as the uploader puts it. Keep in mind they’ll still be aggressive, though, so you’ll need to fend off these titillating tyrants.

Squirrel’s Magic Modification

Many of the bosses in the game are monstrous in nature, like Plantera, Celestial Towers, and the dreaded Moon Lord. Whether you need something to lessen the tension or just love anime, Squirrel’s Magic Modification turns many of the bosses into gorgeous women. Putting aside the fact that they’re lewd in nature, the art is really quite good, especially the reimagined Moon Lord. If your goal is to inject only a slight amount of adult content to Terraria, this one is a great choice, as it strikes a nice balance between mature and explicit with models that aren’t excessively sexual.

Waifu Player Pack

The default female body type is lacking any real definition, so why not change that with the Waifu Player Pack? Now you get to be the buxom waifu you’ve always wanted to be, and best of all, the vanilla equipment and hair have been remade to accommodate for the model’s thicker proportions. You’ll be able to journey across the world, staring in awe at the upgraded character model for whatever reasons you’d like.

Waifu Player+

While the Waifu Player Pack is great, there’s still room for improvement. You can further enhance the Waifu Player Pack through the use of Waifu Player+, which adds 10 lewd and nude default clothing options. As an added bonus, werewolves and merfolk are given the waifu treatment, too, making your playthrough all the more scandalous and tantalizing.

Waifu Player Lite

If you’ve passed over the Waifu Player Pack because you felt the proportions were a bit comical (you wouldn’t be wrong), but you still love the aesthetic, the Waifu Player Lite might just be for you. It does everything the Waifu Player Pack does, but the character’s breasts have been reduced to appear less hazardous. This allows you to apply a slightly more mature aesthetic to your Terraria experience without leaning too far into perversion.

Waifu Sand Elemental

Sand Elementals are quite rare in Terraria, and you’ll never see one unless you hop into Hard Mode. If that’s not a problem, the Waifu Sand Elemental mod makes their appearance that much more of a treat by simply enlarging their chest and making them blush whenever you land attacks on them.

Master’s Armor Set Pack

Everyone loves armor that you can collect and wear, but now you can toss in the adult factor via the Master’s Armor Set Pack. This mod takes several armor sets in the game and reimagines them with a little more skin. For example, the Beetle Armor is no longer closed, and now shows off your character’s cleavage. It’s a simple yet effective way to add some zest to any play session, and pairs nicely with some of the other mods on this list.

Waifu Zombies and Skeletons

Yes, you read that right: Waifu zombies and skeletons. Why? Who cares! If anything, pick up the Waifu Zombies and Skeletons mod just to have something to snicker at, especially the skeletons that are nothing more than skulls atop shapely bodies. However, the reskins only apply to skeletons and zombies that appear before your fight with Plantera.

Waifu Pack Add-On

Buxom zombies, skeletons, and sand elementals are fine and all, but if you feel that isn’t comprehensive enough, the Waifu Pack Add-On mod alters a multitude of mobs in the game into what is best described as waifu heaven. Every mob that’s been replaced has been given a curvaceous figure, like Chaos Elementals, Imps, Demons, Mimics, Gastropods, and Bone Serpents. That last one is a bit bizarre, but no one has to look at it but you, and you’ll either find it incredibly appealing or exceptionally hilarious.

Queen Bee Waifu Texture

Whether you have Melissophobia or you just love seeing sprites with large chests, the Queen Bee Waifu Texture does exactly what it sets out to do: Create a lewd version of the Queen Bee. However, this isn’t some simple recolor. It’s a fully-fledged reskin of the boss with curves and anime features for both forms, so you’ll definitely be getting a decent reward for taking the time to download this mod. That’s it, folks: Those are the best sexy, adult, and nude sex mods for Terraria. For more titillating content, check out our lists of the best sex mods for Fallout 4, GTA V, and Witcher 3. It also wouldn’t hurt to do some research on the top 10 best seeds in Terraria to further enhance your experience.

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