Zhiqing Wan
We have a list of best decks for Black Panther, and yes, in our testing, we found that he was a really strong addition to our Wong list. However, as Black Panther, Wong, Arnim Zola, and Storm become more prevalent in the meta, we’ll need a way to counter them. Enter the Spectrum Destroyer deck. This is a hybrid between the Ongoing Spectrum and classic Destroyer archetypes. The key cards here are Cosmo, Professor X, and Armor, as they’re all hard counters to the Black Panther/Wong decks that love going wide and sending their minions to multiple lanes at once. With this hybrid deck, you have two big play lines to choose from: the classic Destroyer line, where you just lock down a lane with Professor X and put Destroyer in another lane, or the Spectrum line, where you stack Ongoing cards in a lane and buff them up with Spectrum. The Spectrum Destroyer lane lets you mix and match both play lines as well, while hard countering Wong with Cosmo, and Arnim Zola with Armor. Professor X prevents your opponent from sending their minions into another lane, and you can often force a lot of retreats with this deck if you’re getting frustrated with Panther. Here’s the decklist:

Antman Goose Mojo Armor Colossus Mister Fantastic Cosmo Warpath Iron Man Professor X Spectrum Destroyer

The downside of this deck is that while it’s a little bit Pool 3-intensive, with Destroyer and even Goose to a lesser extent being part of your counterplays and power pushes. If you’re in earlier Pools, Cosmo and X will still work wonders, though. Marvel Snap is now available on PC and mobile devices.

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Use This Marvel Snap Deck to Counter All the Black Panthers   Wongs Running Rampant in the Meta - 12